SLOPE OFFICE V5.0 英文光碟正式版
SLOPE OFFICE V5.0 地理資料料分析軟體 英文光碟正式版
安裝後,請將光碟\CRACK\目錄下的檔案複製到 X:\installed_dir\
Eval Licenses檔案。
不同的需要執行不同的軟體,包含了 SLOPE/W(傾斜穩定分析)、 SEEP/W(地下水滲
(污染滲透分析)、 TEMP/W (地熱分析)。
GEO-SLOPE Office is a family of state-of-the-art software products for 2D
geotechnical and geo-environmental modelling in Microsoft Windows. GEO-
SLOPE also develops and markets Seep3D, a three-dimensional analysis
product for saturated/unsatured groundwater modeling.
GEO-SLOPE Office contains the following products:
SLOPE/W for slope stability analysis
SEEP/W for groundwater seepage analysis
SIGMA/W for stress and deformation analysis
QUAKE/W for finite element dynamic earthquake analysis
CTRAN/W for contaminant transport analysis
TEMP/W for geothermal analysis.
The integrated nature of the GEO-SLOPE Office products allow you to use
the results from one product in another product. This unique and powerful
feature greatly expands the types of problems that can be analyzed, giving
you flexibility not only in the types of problems you can study, but also
in obtaining the modules as you need them for different projects.
The CAD-like graphical user interface in each product allows you to define
your problem by “drawing” it. Viewing the results in this colorful
graphical environment greatly helps you to interpret, understand and
present your work.
By acquiring GEO-SLOPE Office, you are joining modellers in nearly 100
countries, including practicing engineers, university professors,
researchers and students. You can be assured that we will continue to
enhance the software’s engineering capabilities and make it even more
powerful and easy to use.